The Fishtail bracelet was actually the first bracelet that I learned how to make! It's super easy and you don't need a loom for it. Have a great time looming!
I give _________ (He didn't want me to mention any names, so fine, I won't but he's AJRox on Loom Community), the credit for this image, both for making the bracelet AND for taking the snapshot...I
KK not literally unwanted. But still. This morning, the CAT tore some of the bands in my triple-single bracelet. I took it off my KITTY beanie boo, Pelly, last night. Shoot. Right. I. Regret. It.
KK not literally unwanted. But still. This morning, the CAT tore some of the bands in my triple-single bracelet. I took it off my KITTY beanie boo, Pelly, last night. Shoot. Right. I. Regret. It.