
6 Followers    3 years 9 months ago
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i forgot what this bracelet is called

coment down below if you know the name of this braclet.

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this is my favorite bracelet,i made it today!

btw thank you eveyloomy for requesting things that i could make!

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My original design. It was such a joy to create. Visit my youtube channel link above for the tutorial for that and others I have designed.

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My original design. It was such a joy to create. Visit my youtube channel link above for the tutorial for that and others I have designed.

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Hi guys today I have the Hopes and dreams bracelet. By the way Eveyloomy I will definitely do that bracelet. Comment any ideas you have just not happy foods. Have a great day!

832 1

Hi guys this is the Trifecta bracelet by Claire's wears on YouTube and Instagram. And thank you so much Eveyloomy for giving the suggestion. Check her out her accounts amazing

1263 2

Hi guys lease like this and lease comment any ideas for bracelets or Loomigirumi I don't do happy foods sry the first comment will be the on I will attempt and post on loom.comunity

1304 1


This was my first complicated bracelet that I've made in my LIFE, but, while I was following the tutorial, it was almost too easy. Please make sure to drop a like, comment and follow!!!

764 2

This is another beautiful original hook-only design by Loomiemama which I have adapted so that it can be done on 4 pegs.

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Hey everyone! This is ANOTHER original design I made. It took 6 pegs. I hope you enjoy!

1262 1

This is my second original design! I used the colors opaque black, blue jelly and confetti mix jelly. I might start making YouTube videos on my designs but I’m not sure yet! Let me know!

1634 1

This is my second original design! I used the colors opaque black, blue jelly and confetti mix jelly. I might start making YouTube videos on my designs but I’m not sure yet! Let me know!

1235 1

Hey!! This design, also from rainbow loom website, is called Liberty Twist! Give me a like if you like 4th of July! Comment your fave thing to do on the 4th of July!

785 1

a smol wreath ring/charm
Hope you like it! :D

4711 0

my little snek ^^
(and yes, the tongue is touching the tail. Don't ask.)

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Published on June 23, 2016. Shared by @official_jburns_looming on Instagram.

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Basically, I made a flower charm and put it on a ring with autumn leaf colors.

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My first loom creations! (other than normal loom bracelets)

1173 2

This is a rainbow loom update of what i have made! If you would like me to make a video of my collection you can comment.

961 2

Design by Claires Wears. This is another bracelet I made. For this bracelet I used bands that had a little more ( shimmer ) in them and I think it is pretty.

891 1

Design by Claires wears. I don't do bracelets a lot so I think this is a very cool one. Have a great day!

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This is a super long Fishtail I made with about 1,000 bands. Its about how tall I am ( 56 inches ). Have a great day!

893 1

"This is a fishtail that AubleLoom made when they were bored. And it didn't take a lot of bands. Make sure to follow AubleLoom bye!"


1185 1

This is a fishtail that I made when I was bored. And took not a lot of bands. So thank you bye

999 2 1

I sometimes make bracelets for my dolls, but this one can also be for a human wrist. As you can see, I can stick my hand under the pink bands and it fits my wrist.

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I actually made this pattern up and it’s basically 2 single bracelets looped together

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