Invite Create a new post Follow da_loom_cat offline Just like looming. I'm so bad at Loomigurumi ;-; Keep Calm and Loom On! -^ w ^- 6Albums 10Posts 41Likes 4Followers 4Following 2 users have voted. "This is my elephant I made and its my own design. This took about three weeks to make. I hope you comment down bellow and follow me and or like it bye!" -AubleLoom 756 2 Pusheen_Girl24Loomer of the Week! 1 user has voted. Published on October 29, 2018. Shared by @gingercel on Instagram. URL: 6882 1 LoomHalloween 2 users have voted. Published on November 1, 2018. Shared by @gingercel on Instagram. URL: 10104 2 LoomHalloween 2 users have voted. Rainbow Loom Stitch Mural by Lucy Bracken to Rainbow Loom on Facebook 19583 2 Loom_MagicMurals 9 users have voted. Hey loomers! This is most likely the best post I'm ever posting on this magnificent posting website! Lol ok I'll stop. 8346 9 Fungirl99000Loom Designs 2 users have voted. My Cinderella charm :) Design by TutorialsbyA on YouTube 2194 2 sydni01Neat Ideas 3 users have voted. Happy Corn! He's so cute! Designed by feelinspiffy 1456 3 RainbowOwlzHappy Food 1 user has voted. Published on October 25, 2016. Shared by Hazel Mattmaxharry Tyldesley to Rainbow Loom on Facebook. 10048 1 LoomHalloween 3 users have voted. Published on October 25, 2016. Shared by @slkitty99 on Instagram. URL: 12196 3 1 LoomHalloween style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 4 users have voted. These are all original designs by me come check them out on my YouTube Channel:) And Be sure to subscribe if you haven't already:) 1330 4 Minion LoomerLoom Designs 7 users have voted. Here is my amazing Sugar skull I made for Halloween. It took 4 looms and a lot of time, so yeah... Designed by Lilahs Gigi 2964 7 RainbowOwlzRandom Creations Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2