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Littletiger offline
Hi! Im Littletiger. I love looming. Im on here everyday all day. I am home schooled so i get to be on everyday! I love making Mini Dragons.
I make my own Mini dragons from Dragons Race To The Edge! If you like my stuff I will make a loom Mini dragon for you from to a book cover to a TV show to really...ANYTHING! Just tell me what color and what other things you want on him/her. I also send them to you if you want! You can call me Nika if you like. I hope you like my stuff! from Littletiger.

Published on May 9, 2018. Shared by @donnadoodled on Instagram.

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Published on May 12, 2018. Shared by @donnadoodled on Instagram.

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Published on May 14, 2018. Shared by @donnadoodled on Instagram.

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Look at this awesome rock! I bought it at a art show.

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My poodle is getting lots of photos done of him because I was hoping to sell him on my Etsy shop but his nose band is snapped so I have to slip knot it and he will look like a little.

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here is the live collage app. follow these directions if your going to get the app. see were it says 12345678910, and it says HOT that means it will do random collages all together.

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If you need help writing a book and cant figure out what to name your dragons. here is a list that will maby help

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Its cool how the dragon wraped its body around the ice

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all credit goes to cortney nicole on this one this is her design not mine

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3 loomed parrot design this is an old design and its kinda wierd

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this is my own snowy owl design and im really proud of her thx to cortney nicole i became a good loomer i made her baby 1 loom snowy owl so i thought i would come up with a adult for mine.

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You guys know Kyra the earth dragon. she is still waiting to have a home....she has been waiting to have a home till 2016.....if you guys want her, just tell me. ☺️

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Alpha Loom Dog Charms Shared by Tammy Cerroni‎ to Rainbow Loom on Facebook.

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Published on December 28, 2017. Shared by @bex_eleanor23 on Instagram.

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hi guys here is the boneknapper, he is my favorite dragon. he didnt take me long to make. i hope your having a great morning, or afternoon.

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I just got my Rainbow Loom! So excited to make charms and bracelets!

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hey guys its Little tiger and i wanted to let you know that im going to start a album of mini dragons…I will be taking down the mini dragons with there own albums and putting them in this album.

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S'cuse the horrible drawing...
I did some extensive research *cough cough* wiki answers *cough* and it should have taken 3-4 weeks. Not 3-4 MONTHS )(0o0)(

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Published on November 11, 2017. Shared by @httydloomer on Instagram.

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hey everyone! so here is CLOUDJUMPER from dragon 2! Cloudjumper took about an hour or two because i kept messing up........she is solar, she has all the features from dragon2 from top to bottom.

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hey guys.....have you ever herd of Lego Elves? if not.....YOU GOT TO GET THEM! THEY ARE SO COOL!

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So these are my rabbits Basil is the black one, he's four this November, he's a silver fox chinchilla Mix(both breeds of rabbit not different animals) he's my first pet other than fish.

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Hey so this is Theodore everyone! Got him last week for my birthday, he is the cutest thing. His breed is a teddy bear dog hybrid.

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Sorry for being dead :p

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Yup, her belly may not look huge in this picture, but lemme tell you, she. is. FAT. her belly is 9 columns thick and stuffed with a bunch of fiber fill.

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A dragon with a terrible past... A dragon who's mind thinks nothing but violent thoughts... A dragon who's parents thought of him as a pest...

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Ha! She's finally done. What a relief. Psychoticlings Rule!!
Maybe I'll go totally overboard and make her a Antimatter Blast!
Should I? Tell me in the coments.

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Yay! I got the design right!!! HES SOOOOO COOL

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Here's Spark, my OC for Fungirl99000's book. Here's the bio:
Name: Spark
Gender: Female
Age: 19

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