bone knapper; smoke breath; death song; and many more

I took him apart and Re-did him. So he looks better!

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Yay! The whole family! Aaaaaahhh!!! So cute together!

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HERE IS THE THUNDERCLAW! he is soooo cute! im so glad i made him! the thunderclaw is from httyd 2. next im going to make a special dragon from wings of starts with a S, can you guess.

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THE SHADOW WING!!! HE IS AWSOME! this dragon is from DRTTE ( Dragons Race To The Edge) maby soon i'll do the Submariper and the Shell Shocker dragon to!

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THE TIMBERJACK IS HERE!!!! HE IS SOO COOL!!! i didnt have any brown so i used GOLD! he has no legs just BIG WINGS! he is awsome! i named him Timber

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here is the SCAULDRON!!! he is all green! my favorite color! his name is Boiler! so im going to do a tutorial soon just like baby Garfifyarg. I hope YOU LIKE HIM!!

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HERE IS BABY GARFIFYARG!!! the baby death song. I AM SOOO GOING TO DO A TUTORIAL SOON!!! he was such a joy to make!

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HERE IS THE RAINCUTTER!!! he was so fun to make! i may do a tutorial of him....hehehe. please go to the GUESS THIS DRAGON album for your chance to win him! i gave you some hints.

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here is the SNOW WRATHE!!! Ive had her for a long time now! i made baby Garfifyarg the baby death song dragon.

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you guys probobly know this dragon. This dragon is the Cavern Crusher. most of you wanted me to make him. so i did! i had him for a while now. :)

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the SCREAMING DEATH! sometime i will make a tutorial of him. i have to see how i made him again.

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Here is THE GIRL TRIPPLE STRYKE!!!!!!! i know you have seen her already....but now her bands are falling apart now. but she is still holding on.

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HERE IS THE NEW AND INPROVED, CHANGWING! he is 3d! i made a little patch and put it on his body. so it looks like he has half a body! i can put my finger through it! it looks SO COOL!

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Here Is The SMOKE BREATH!!!! he was so much Fun! I love smoke breaths. please comment of what other mini dragon i should make! And DONT FORGET to go back to the GUESS THIS DRAGON post.

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hi guys here is the boneknapper, he is my favorite dragon. he didnt take me long to make. i hope your having a great morning, or afternoon.

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hey guys its Little tiger and i wanted to let you know that im going to start a album of mini dragons…I will be taking down the mini dragons with there own albums and putting them in this album.

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