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Recent Posts

My Jonathan Antoine figurine now has his cat Willow! (^_^) Cat design by Diy Mommy. He also has two other cats Polly and Pandora. Y'all NEED to check him out on Youtube!

3164 0

So this is my huge stuffed horse Jalapeno, and she is hugging the pig webkinz I got for my bday, sir porkbacon.

1209 0

So I'm making a new board featuring all my stuffed animals and my loom creations, hope you enjoy.

1481 0

A cool dog steps
1:do the single band quad fish-ment to do this one in all projects(instead I accidentally put criss cross quad fish sorry) step 1+2

3017 0

Published July 10, 2016. Shared by Kristel Creation‎ to Rainbow Loom on Facebook.

14030 0
2274 1

I love making these owl charms by TutorialsbyA. They are so cute and fun!
I had a whole collection once but I gave them away to my friends :)

2378 2

Published on January 6, 2014 by DIY Mommy Designs on YouTube.

15275 0

Published on January 6, 2014 by DIY Mommy Designs on YouTube.

10379 0 1


Hey guys! Today, I decided to design a fennec fox for my 7 yr. old brother! I finished it not too long ago, and this one IS a PROTOTYPE!! Whatcha think? Wanna tutorial? If so, I'll add MORE white.

2562 5

This is my cute little mouse named Mud. I made him by following Elegant fashion 360's video. Enjoy!

3773 3

Hello!!! This is my loftwing from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. If anyone wants to make one, there's a tutorial on my YouTube channel, Triforce Looms. Thanks for reading!!!

1118 0

Hello!!! This is my loftwing from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. If anyone wants to make one, there's a tutorial on my YouTube channel, Triforce Looms. Thanks for reading!!!

2822 7 1

Published on June 30, 2014 by Kate Schultz on YouTube.

4160 1