Charms Create a new postFollow loomsisters2Followers15Posts 0 users have voted. Another pencil/hook hugger. They are so fun to make! :) Design by MadebyMommy on YouTube 1368 0 loomsistersCharms 1 user has voted. Small Rainbow Loom granny square with glow in the dark white and jelly purple and pink. Tutorial by Feelinspiffy on YouTube Loomsisters Katherine 1740 1 loomsistersCharms 2 users have voted. I love making these owl charms by TutorialsbyA. They are so cute and fun! I had a whole collection once but I gave them away to my friends :) 2409 2 loomsistersCharms 1 user has voted. This was my first rainbow loom figurine Design by TutorialsbyA on YouTube 1544 1 loomsistersCharms 2 users have voted. Snow White figurine/charm. Design by TutorialsbyA on YouTube 2500 2 loomsistersCharms 1 user has voted. Princess Belle figurine/charm from Beauty and the Beast. She is my favorite Princess charm I've made! :) Design by TutorialsbyA on Youtube 1280 1 loomsistersCharms 1 user has voted. Princess Tiana Figurine from The Princess and the Frog. Design by TutorialsbyA on Youtube 1454 1 loomsistersCharms 0 users have voted. Some more pictures of the slingshot toy 1140 0 loomsistersCharms 0 users have voted. Rainbow loom superhero slingshot toy. It is so fun to play with! It flies really high too. :) I am not sure who the tutorial is by 1216 0 loomsistersCharms style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 0 users have voted. Happy Marshmallow squishy/charm Tutorial by Feelinspiffy on YouTube 1516 0 loomsistersCharms 1 user has voted. My Cinderella charm :) Design by TutorialsbyA on YouTube 1717 1 1 loomsistersCharms 1 user has voted. Rainbow loom Rapunzel charm. Design by TutorialsbyA on YouTube. 1065 1 loomsistersCharms 1 user has voted. My favorite RL charm! Tutorial by LoominLooney 5734 1 loomsistersCharms 1 user has voted. Minnie and Micky charms By Tutorialsbya on Youtube 1527 1 1 loomsistersCharms 0 users have voted. This charm is my own design. 1725 0 loomsistersCharms