Age 8

My age-8 posts

Sorry it took so long ):. Anyway here it is I will make more post today but here are instructions
1.take band and wrap it twice on a peg

537 1

Super easy.
1:make 2 lakes/holes
2:put them together with a c-clip

799 0

A cool dog steps
1:do the single band quad fish-ment to do this one in all projects(instead I accidentally put criss cross quad fish sorry) step 1+2

3048 0

This cool and easy to make basket is made by 1: add a band on the first 3 pegs
2: single band quadfish it (3 pegs not 4 pegs)
3: add a band on the same 3 pegs plus 2 more

5538 0

This thing is like rainbow loom but use 5 bands 5 pegs and 5 c-clips do the rainbow loom thing(cris cross quad fish-not quad 4 ?

6640 1

Cool thing easy X100000000000! All you do is make a 2X2 next to each other and over lap by 2 pegs!!!!
Use different colors for different reactions e.g red/yellow for lava lake.

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