Triforce's Designs

Suicune's pattern is up on YouTube! Go check it out if you want to make him!

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Volvagia from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time!!! For those of you who aren't familiar with the Zelda series, Volvagia is a dragon who lives deep in the fire temple.

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Here's Rodney the Ice Dragon!!! This character belongs to Cortney Nicole, but I made him to enter one of her contests. My Rodney has a special job: he holds my rainbow loom hooks!!!

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The legendary water pokemon, Suicune!!! Here he is surfing on our camping trip. He even remembered his PFD, what a good pokemon!!!

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Hello!!! This is my loftwing from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. If anyone wants to make one, there's a tutorial on my YouTube channel, Triforce Looms. Thanks for reading!!!

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