Invite Create a new post Follow derp offline ... 0Albums 0Posts 133Likes 2Followers 8Following 7 users have voted. Here are my Alicorns! Yes, I know the big ones getting impaled, but don't worry. No Alicorns were harmed in the making of this photo. :D 6067 7 RainbowOwlzCourtney Nicole's How to Loom Your Dragon 6 users have voted. This is Bubbles! She's so cute! I love her to death!!! sorry she's kinda lopsided...... I don't put wire in my big creations, so yeah. Designed by Courtney Nicole 4570 6 RainbowOwlzBaby Alicorn 2 users have voted. 3101 2 LoombiciousRainbow Loom Pencil Toppers 2 users have voted. I AM................FIRE.............I AM..........................DEATH. designed by Cortney Nicole 1045 2 RainbowOwlzSmaug The Terrible. 3 users have voted. Yes, here it is! unfortunately his jaw curls back unless I hold it down, so that's what the band around his mouth is. designed by Cortney Nicole 1085 3 RainbowOwlzSmaug The Terrible. 2 users have voted. 10728 2 SharonloomBracelets 2 users have voted. Hiccup. this is the version from Race to The Edge. Designed by me, using techniques learned from Kate Schultz 993 2 RainbowOwlzHow To Train Your Dragon People 4 users have voted. Adorable! designed by Craftmuse 1122 4 RainbowOwlzRandom Creations 8 users have voted. The box of dragons. Not much to say about this.... If you would like me to post a picture of any specific dragon, just let me know in the comments. -RainbowOwlz 8832 8 RainbowOwlzCourtney Nicole's How to Loom Your Dragon style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 3 users have voted. A cute little monkey I made for my cousin. Designed by DIYMommy 2566 3 RainbowOwlzRandom Creations 2 users have voted. OH NO!!!!! HE'S GOT HICCUP!!! 2173 2 RainbowOwlzRed Death 4 users have voted. Just thought I'd share a pic of my Loomigurumi Dalek before I ship him off to my Aunt. She loves Doctor Who! :) Designed by Kate Schultz 733 4 1 RainbowOwlzRandom Creations 6 users have voted. I made this guy awhile ago, he's one of my favorites. 14994 6 RainbowOwlzCourtney Nicole's How to Loom Your Dragon 7 users have voted. Cuteness is too much 1985 7 RainbowOwlzCourtney Nicole's How to Loom Your Dragon 6 users have voted. it took me forever to make all those darn feathers... 12794 6 RainbowOwlzCourtney Nicole's How to Loom Your Dragon 5 users have voted. The dog is a Akita very smart and great hunting dog. 3997 5 LittletigerThe creative dog 1 user has voted. 1495 1 petrastimacLoom Designs 2 users have voted. 2348 2 petrastimacLoom Designs 1 user has voted. 1136 1 petrastimacLoom Designs style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 3 users have voted. 1964 3 petrastimacLoom Designs 4 users have voted. 1029 4 petrastimacLoom Designs 1 user has voted. 1523 1 petrastimacLoom Designs 1 user has voted. 1311 1 petrastimacLoom Designs 2 users have voted. 954 2 petrastimacLoom Designs 3 users have voted. 1308 3 petrastimacLoom Designs 2 users have voted. 902 2 petrastimacLoom Designs 2 users have voted. 1428 2 petrastimacLoom Designs 3 users have voted. 1002 3 petrastimacLoom Designs 1 user has voted. 1253 1 petrastimacLoom Designs style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 2 users have voted. 962 2 petrastimacDragons Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 next › last »