Courtney Nicole's How to Loom Your Dragon

remember, these are NOT my designs. they are designed by Courtney Nicole of how to loom your dragon. her channel:

Dragon Pyramid! ALL my How to Loom Your Dragon designs!

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Here's my baby phoenix! I hope you like him!

ps his name is Fawkes Jr

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Here are my Alicorns! Yes, I know the big ones getting impaled, but don't worry. No Alicorns were harmed in the making of this photo. :D

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The box of dragons. Not much to say about this....
If you would like me to post a picture of any specific dragon, just let me know in the comments.


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I made this guy awhile ago, he's one of my favorites.

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Cuteness is too much

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it took me forever to make all those darn feathers...

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