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RLCreator offline
Sooo it's been like a really long time since I checked this out, I think I might've been like 13 nd I'm 15 now :"")
So I can't really promise much activity but aye maybe I'll start posting art here! I haven't really done Rainbowloom in forever, simply because of the stock... once it was out of stock in my local michaels for so long, and then I kind of lost interest... it's back now but my interest isn't!

Another art!! Don't. Doubt my names, please XD

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This is what I've been up to mostly since I stopped checking LC! Kinda weird for a hobby yes but it's a lot better than you'd think, haha! Enjoy this one, that's my man Acorn!

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Y'all have no idea the type of shower you're in for in terms of art! :"") Heck, you'll be drowning!

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My cat Chloe!! :3

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...Yeah, you’ve missed out on the last while of my drawing horses. Which, considering how much better they’re getting.... that’s something you’ve been missing out on.

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This is V. 1 of my hugging cat...
It's simple but anyway, it was a quick sketch.

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So what's a cony?
A cony is a mix of a pony and a cat! I was using my cat style to draw a pony. So, cony!

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The sig at the bottom says LAJ/RLC. I drew it myself and coloured it myself, but LAJ stands for Loadin Animal Jam (my YT channel) and RLC is RL Creator.

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It's a cony cos I used my cat style to draw a pony.

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Unimpressed cat.

1051 1

"Dim Lantern" (DL) is another bracelet in my "Oldies" series. It's made of glow in the dark bands, but it's glow is dim - Dim Lantern!

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"Like Fire 'N' Ice" (FNI) Is another bracelet in my Oldies series!

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This guy is an oldie. I put the BNW (Black 'N' White) on my brothers Zoomer Dog Shadow.

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If you need proof she's really 8 ft long I'll give it to you gladly!!

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By Angelynn on YouTube.
So. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with some loomigurumi? I need a dragon, cat or fox template. Thanks!

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So. ~Some~ little bird told me that Loom Community isn't just for Rainbowloom.
I'm not sure if this is the first drawing on Loom Community, but if so, I am honoured!

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So here's a green and orange thingy mabober (I don't care if that's not how you spell it. I mean, who said I care?).

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Here's my new post - as you read on the title, an orange-and-yellow Fishtail bracelet with a ~real~ pearl.

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Hey guys!!!

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After a LOOOONG time away, I'm finally back. My Rainbow Loom is in the garage. I'll start doing more posts August-September.

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Another creation by my friends!

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Kewl or not? Nah...cuz it was SUPPOSED to be a lantern, so......

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Now this one's by myself. What type is it???? Plz comment the type of bracelet it is!!!! Or did I "invent" a new one? Dun dun dun!!!!

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Another 'By Bea'! Oh, and, BTW, I was QUITE impressed on the almost-400-views on Luiza's owl!!!! Keep it up, guyz! Comment away - I don't mind!!!!

973 1

I give _________ (He didn't want me to mention any names, so fine, I won't but he's AJRox on Loom Community), the credit for this image, both for making the bracelet AND for taking the snapshot...I

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This is "Pawsitively Pawesome" (I swear you'll never read "Awesome" on my album, except for now)! Looky, guys, at Ellie's First Post! Ilyana (RLCreator) made it for me!!!! Groovy!

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Here's the not-zoomed-in picture of what I'd call the Skeleton Line/Bracelet. It's cool. Tug a line, nothin' happens. Comment what you think it should be called!

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Here's the close-up of EPIC for you. Plz:

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Here's the close-up of EPIC for you. Plz:

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