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Recent Posts

This is a little bit harder than other Rainbow Looms, but it's still super cute!
I used the Peppermint Charm(see my other post) to make it. You can use any charm, though.

2127 2

This is another super cute & easy charm bracelet that I made.
You can turn it into a pen/pencil dangle too!
Please like!

2257 1

This bracelet it really cool looking- and you can make it with only one loom row! Other popular color combinations are rainbow, black/red, pink/blue, and green/purple. Please like!

1308 2

My own original design (everything on this board is) I made it a few years ago.

1424 0

I <3 sooooo much ^_^ aaaaaaaaa she's so cyooot!!

2075 0

Done! I made her tail WAY to long so now she's 73 cm instead of 2 feet....... oops :D

1157 0

I got a new Kylo Ren figure today, so I made a First Order inspired bracelet!

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2348 2
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Made by oobeedoo. White poodle called Snow. Wow, it took 5 days! Comment, like, reshare and follow!

2635 5

This my Rainbowloom Poodle her name is snow she is Cortney Nicoles design. She took 3 looms and 11 packs of Rubber Bands She took me 5 days completing the steps each day.

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