baby dragon

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Published on December 23, 2019. Shared by @alex_creative_corner on Instagram.

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I decided to draw my favorite Rainbow Loom dragon I ever made - my baby Typhoomerang (her name's Typhoomerang. lol). She is in my style, so she doesn't quite look like the HTTYD version.

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Awwww she's cute...
Meet Camillia!
I named her that after the flower cause her spines and horns are bright pink ^_^

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Blue Purple
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I ended up using blue for the main parts and using purple for the stripes.
Thanks for your suggestions, fam!

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Hey guys this is my first oc ever. Sorry about the mistakes in the background I'm not the best drawer:D

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The yellow one is the Solarfury, the dark blue one is the Seafury, the light blue with white spots is Skyfury, the green one is the Forestfury and lucky last is the red and orange Flamefury.

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These are the parts I am using. And my messy handwriting :D thus is gonna be SUPER cute!

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Hey everyone! Check out these cute baby Timberjacks (designs by Cortney Nicole)! The pink one is for me and the yellow one is for my brother.

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Hey everyone! I'm back (finally XD)! Today I have an adorable baby dragon to show you all. Baby Seashocker/Oceanzap! This is another one of Cortney Nicole's designs.

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