Misc.These are the things that don't make the cut to go in the other topics.... Create a new postFollow I Am A Dragon0Followers16Posts 0 users have voted. LOOK AT DE EVILNESS COMIN OUT OF HIM YAAAAAA (When I said I was immature,I meant it) 2096 0 I Am A DragonMisc. 0 users have voted. Ooooooo mysterious...... 2051 0 I Am A DragonMisc. 0 users have voted. Wow! Best drawing E.V.A XD (Not really) 963 0 I Am A DragonMisc. 1 user has voted. this made me laugh so hard.... "and we are all friend"....XD 824 1 I Am A DragonMisc. 0 users have voted. In winter we get LOTS AND LOTS of these fluffy catapillars..when I was younger I called them "Hairy Marys" And the name stuck.... 814 0 I Am A DragonMisc. 0 users have voted. Blue Purple 2. 0 I ended up using blue for the main parts and using purple for the stripes. Thanks for your suggestions, fam! 5707 0 I Am A DragonMisc. 0 users have voted. You haven't got any posts yet, so I can't really say hi properly. Anyway, I like your account pic. 902 0 I Am A DragonMisc. 1 user has voted. It says red violet. AND ITS PINK. Great labelling, rainbow loom, maybe change it to Pink Jelly? XD 863 1 I Am A DragonMisc. 0 users have voted. i thought this was cool Alpha Loom Cats Patterns Shared by Rainbow Loom on Facebook. 32992 0 I Am A DragonMisc. style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 1 user has voted. **ORIGINAL POST BY LOOM** Published on October 22, 2016. Shared by @slkitty99 on Instagram. 38222 1 I Am A DragonMisc. 0 users have voted. I lost my sketch book. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT HAD GOLDEN SCALE AND FLAMETHORN AND HAYLEIGHHS OC AND MANY OTHER UNRELEASED DRAWINGS IN IT NOOOOOOOOOOO 670 0 I Am A DragonMisc. 0 users have voted. WHYYYYYY I guess it's good cause I got another 'follower' 640 0 I Am A DragonMisc. 0 users have voted. These are two nightfurys who HATE each other. Literally. Ones the Alpha and the other Omega. Opposite. Designed by Courtney Nicole 808 0 I Am A DragonMisc. 2 users have voted. The reason for the lighting is because my light in my craft room popped. /:( Ok so here are the names and/or types of dragons I have in rows here: 3695 2 I Am A DragonMisc. 0 users have voted. This is me...... being stupid. So yea bye! ( ಠ◡ಠ ) 840 0 I Am A DragonMisc. 0 users have voted. these bands ANNOY me to TO NO END they always SNAP and it leaves you VERY FRUSTRATED!!!! >:( 1276 0 I Am A DragonMisc.