Baby FlutterWing AWWW December 30, 2017
Awwww look at that! Cortney already made a baby "FlutterWing" from the new WoF book! This is what I can base my design on (colorwise)!!! So CYOOOOT! If she ends up making an adult but doesn't make a tutorial I'm gonna FLIP OUT!
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loomgirl777I wish she would make tutorials, but she quit because not many people were using them :( I'd love to make an adult version, though!!!
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Fungirl99000NOOOOOOOOO my life is ruined now :'(
Without Courtney, the loom is pointless. I shall die a depressed and furious person..... X_X
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LittletigerHEY GUYS I HAVE A GREAT IDEA! how about we all make the flutter wing of how we see it and use whatever colors we want. for the wings, we can just copy of one of the wings of fire dragons but make the wing a little rounder. if you want to make the first wings big, just copy the wings from peril or scarlet but just make them a little rounder like in the picture......we don't have to.... its just a suggestion.
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DancingUnicornsI believe She just used her baby dragon tutorial and added some extra wings if you want to make the baby. Hey also she might make a tutorial on darkstalker, she may do it in pictures though instead of a video. I WANT THIS DRAGON SO MUCH!! Maybe make a group email with us all begging for it LOL