~~Warning, not for the extremely squimish~~
Hiya, I thought this would be interesting. I have a weird fear that nobody's ever heard of, Gangrine. Even just writing and thinking about its gives me shivers down my back. Gangrine is (pretty yucky) when the blood, for some reason, usually from frostbite and/or smoking,can't reach some of you small limbs, like you fingers and toes. In short, they start to rot away. Like, as in you know when you've had a wort frozen off (admit it, you've all had it done) it goes gray or brown and shrivels up, Gangrine does this with fingers and toes, they go black and bits start falling off. Then you go to a hospital and have the affected area CUT OFF OH LAWD DONT DO THIS TO ME THE WORLD IS SO CRUEL
Now I've got that out of my system, what do you guys fear?
What freaks you out the most?
Tue, 07/11/2017 - 08:39
What freaks you out the most?
Bees -_- And yeah I've heard of gangrine its so gross (•_•) But yeah I hate bees, particularly wasps. Ewwwww. I also don't like spiders (only if they're in my hair LOL!)
I totally agree! I'm so scared of bees, and I've never even been stung by one!
When I was a little kid (3 maybe 4), I used to try and pick up bees because there actually fluffy XD and can tell you, getting stung 5 TIMES IN A ROW OWWWWWWWWWW that really hurts.
OOOOOWWWWWWWW OMG that must hurt :(
XD I've never been stung by one at all, i think just bit by one (because it landed on my neck and i squeezed it LOL)
you squeezed it?????? 0o0 i luv bees now im sad XD
( just ignore this if its provocative)
didn't kill it, lol, just kinda reacted to it coming so suddenly and it didn't like that XD soooo she bit moi
awwww poor hannah XD now im gonna make a loomigurumi bee just to annoy u :p :D
LOL for some reason i hate bees, but when my dad catches them and puts them in cages idc
Woah does he give them to beekeepers?
No, it's just if I see a wasp flying around and my dad's outside I ask him to catch it for me and he does, then after awhile I release it :3 Sometimes I catch honeybees in bottles (because I love honeybees and wasps stink) and then release them as well. I just like looking at them without getting stung XD
Awwww I love honey bees too <3 what's the weirdest looking bee/wasp you've found/caught?
Bobcats I hate them.
The animal or the vehicle?
Probably the animal lol
The animal.
Why? What happened? (You don’t have to tell me)
We have a big lot of tree's next to our yard and one day I had our chickens out and when I went to put them in their was one missing and I later found out a bobcat had taken it because I found a lot of feathers. That had happened three times with my chickens and two times with our ducks and one time it happened right in front of me I was like inches away from the bobcat and I was so scared. Each one of those chickens and each one of those ducks meant a lot to me I loved them so much. And that is why I will always hate bobcats.
what bothers/annoys me is the feeling and hearing of the hard foam coming out of a package of somthing valuable.