Heyyy loomers! This forum post is basically a chat room for all loomers to talk to each other! :D How's everybody's day going? I look forward to chatting with you!
NOTE: No more messages will show up on this because there's too many comments on here! I will make another chat room.
Loomer chat room
Wed, 06/14/2017 - 22:20
Loomer chat room
Hi! I'm also looking forward to chatting :D
Hi! I am too :). So how are you? ^_^
Good. You?
I'm good :3 Just decided to make Arctic (IceWing). Gotta get the bands when I have enough money lol
Awesome! I am making that one right now, actually!
Cool! I'll definitely post a picture of mine once I get the bands and make him :3 I also want to make a couple baby nightwings (to make darkstalker's kids) •_• ik its a lot at once LOL
Did he have kids? I haven't read talons of power yet (not in my country yet -_-)
Well, I should've said kids he would've had. In legends book clearsight had a vision of her and darky's future kids, but he never got to be a dad :( But, I still want to make them and pretend that the future turned bright and darkstalker did have kids :3
yeah thats a good notion........i wish he did have kids ;_;
Actually there are a lot of other things I want to get before making arctic..... Will get around to him though soon
I am wondering where on rainbow loom you make. A forklift or a loader I’m trying to make one for my dad
I am wondering where on rainbow loom you make. A forklift or a loader I’m trying to make one for my dad
Chat chat chat chat chat sorry I had too XD
Ok *regains composure* How are you?
What am I doing? Looming my Shadowfury. Nothing much happening today.
I still can't find my box of dragons and loomigurmi! I think it might be in my dad's storage unit.
Hope you find it.......
I'm wonder if I should make a forum where we can roleplay with our dragon OCs. It'd be fun so I most likely will.
OOOO that sounds cool!
Just wondering.... I haven't roleplayed in forever so I can't remember if I roleplay as if I'm them or write it book-like (e.g., she reached her talons down the hole...) I have to look that up haha and yeah that example was hilariously cheesy
I prefer doing third person for roleplay and first person for writing, so it really depends for me. XD
its kinda hard to explain.... its like
Flamethorn: blah blah blah *he sticks his talons down the hole*
i think have to check too XD
So................I went to my dad's storage unit and found my loomigurumi and 3D dragon box, but every single creation is broken! Luckily, I know how to fix creations without having to redo them, so I'll be working on that and posting my dragons!
Anyways, what dragon should I post first: Ice Wing or Saphira?
Hard choice, but I think you should post Saphira!
Hmmmm..... Maybe you could do a group shot? Lol
Maybe I could so something similar to what you did here: https://loom.community/p/12292
Amazing idea, Fungirl, never thought of an actual "chat room"! :)
I was thinking we could make a Discord. It's a chat server and everything to type is live. You would have to make an account, though, and then I could invite you. I already made one.
Unless you guys don't want to. That is also fine. Discord is just a quicker way to send messages and chat with each other.
I may ask my mom if that's ok. There's also other options, like if you have a Google account there's Google Hangouts. We could make a group chat there. :) (My user on Google is Fungirl PlaysAJ)
That's actually better! We could do that. What's your email?
The email my Google account is associated with...? Because if I know your Google name I could send a chat invite to ya :)
Victoria Prowell
Email: valkyrierainbowloom@gmail.com
My email is
I don't know my name but I know my email ?_?
I think I've heard of that
Can I join?
Do you have a Google account user? If so reply so I can send a conversation invite to you :3
Yeah I replied to loomgirl
Ok I'll search up your email and see if it brings you up on GH
Hmm..... I found one called evergreengem124@gmail.com. Should I try starting a conversation and type a message to see if you reply?
Yes you have my permission XD
I sent something.... hopefully its you haha
I'm checking.......
My internet sux so it will by slow
ok lol
i gtg sorry try tomorow afternoon i have school but for a short time in the morning
i cant see any email?
send agian?