Person! August 06, 2017
Sorry it took so long ):. Anyway here it is I will make more post today but here are instructions
1.take band and wrap it twice on a peg
2.make a band around the peg with the first band and another peg next to it
3.repeat step 1-2 on the peg next to it
4.repeat step 2 4 times on each side
5.conect the 4 pegs with a band
6.keep adding bands on step 5 area
7.after 2-4 bands add an peg on each side of the area on step 5 area
8.add 3 bands on step 7 area
9.add a c-clip on the extra 2 areas(the area added on 7)
10.add 3-5 bands on area from step 5
11.change the color to beige or brown and add 2-4 bands
12.on 2 of the 4 pegs(have to be next to each other) add a red band (this will be your front)
13.add bands in area from step 5(around 3 bands)
14. Add 2 bands used like in step 1 on the front (color of your eyes)
15.add bands (2-4) in area from step 5
16.change the color of the band to hair color and add 3 bands
Sorry it's a long and hard thing to make but there you have it
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Fungirl99000It looks kinda like a poofy pencil :3