Hook only and Loomigirumi

Hi guys today I have the Hopes and dreams bracelet. By the way Eveyloomy I will definitely do that bracelet. Comment any ideas you have just not happy foods. Have a great day!

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Hi guys hopefully you guys like this and please comment any ideas for loomigurumi/bracelets (Sorry I don't do happy foods) the first one who comments the idea will be the one I will create and pos

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Hi guys this is the Trifecta bracelet by Claire's wears on YouTube and Instagram. And thank you so much Eveyloomy for giving the suggestion. Check her out her accounts amazing

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Hi guys lease like this and lease comment any ideas for bracelets or Loomigirumi I don't do happy foods sry the first comment will be the on I will attempt and post on loom.comunity

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Hi guys!!! I know it's been a while but I am going to start something. On my latest creations comment on the most recent post and it can be a design on YouTube by anyone.

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this is the sorbet delight bracelet designed by @Loomiemama on Instagram and tutorial is by Loves2loom on YouTube and her Instagram!

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This is the kyden bracelet designed by @expert_looms on Instagram and tutorial on YouTube is by expert looms please like this video and follow me if you like it

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this is the totally tubular bracelet designed by claires_wears on instagram and tutorial by Claire's wears on YouTube please love and follow me if you want more content like this

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this is the cryptogram bracelet designed by @Loomiemama on Instagram and tutorial by loves2loom on YouTube and her Instagram account is @Loves2loom also let me know in the comments which background

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