Invite Create a new post Follow Goldenloom offline I love making rainbow loom bracelets for my kids. 2Albums 1Posts 3Likes 2Followers 4Following 2 users have voted. This is my 1st box of my rainbow loom creations. It has the more beginner bracelets and the bracelets that flopped.I hope you like it! 9272 2 LoomBug56My loom collection! 3 users have voted. Hey! This is my first post EVER!! I got this design off of the rainbow loom website. <3 I love looming and I am so glad so many other people do, too. Thanks for looking at my FIRST POST EVER! 1307 3 LoomMaster123Patriotic Party take one 2 users have voted. This is another beautiful original hook-only design by Loomiemama which I have adapted so that it can be done on 4 pegs. 1427 2 1 cnkastingDesigns on 4 Pegs