Invite Create a new post Follow RLOBSESION offline 3Albums 27Posts 21Likes 4Followers 6Following 1 user has voted. This Bracelet was created by Claires wares on YouTube and my favorite team is the Florida gators that's why I made it blue and orange 4769 1 RLOBSESIONBRACELETS 1 user has voted. Published on September 16, 2017. Shared by @pastel.looom on Instagram. URL: 8260 1 1 LoomBracelet 2 users have voted. Published on September 16, 2017. Shared by @mdl_looms on Instagram. URL: 10003 2 LoomBracelet 2 users have voted. This is another rendition of the mermaid shells mom bracelet by notorious babe on YouTube 9127 2 RLOBSESIONBRACELETS 2 users have voted. This bracelet was made by Claire s wears on YouTube 5367 2 RLOBSESIONBRACELETS 2 users have voted. This bracelet was created by notorious babe on YouTube 5578 2 RLOBSESIONBRACELETS 2 users have voted. Published on July 21, 2017. Shared by @still_looming on Instagram. URL: 9513 2 LoomBracelet 2 users have voted. Published on August 31, 2017. Shared by @radianceworld on Instagram. URL: 7787 2 LoomBracelet 1 user has voted. Shared by @still_looming on Instagram. Tutorial by Loom snow on YouTube. 4148 1 loomgirl777Rainbow Loom Bracelets style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 2 users have voted. this bracelet was created by Claires Wears on youtube. the bands I used for this was the glowing pastel ones from the rl website.i also would like to do a trade with someone. thx so much bye!!! 6299 2 RLOBSESIONBRACELETS 3 users have voted. Published on July 29, 2017. Shared by @theloomgalaxy on Instagram. URL: 11169 3 LoomBracelet 2 users have voted. Published on July 8, 2017 by mdl_looms on YouTube. 10111 2 LoomBracelet 3 users have voted. Published on August 4, 2017. Shared by @tilde.loom on Instagram. URL: 5942 3 LoomBracelet 2 users have voted. Published on August 2, 2017. Shared by @twinslooms on Instagram. URL: 9666 2 LoomBracelet 1 user has voted. Shared by @still_looming on Instagram. Tutorial by Claire's Wears on YouTube. 3140 1 loomgirl777Rainbow Loom Bracelets 2 users have voted. this bracelet is created by Claire`s Wears on youtube. She also has a video explaining how to meke this bracelet on her youtube channel Claire`s Wears 4445 2 RLOBSESIONBRACELETS 2 users have voted. this bracelet was created by kaeurainbowloom and the video was made by jays alvares on youtube 4462 2 RLOBSESIONBRACELETS 3 users have voted. Published on July 18, 2017. Shared by @saara_rl_suomi on Instagram. URL: 11725 3 1 LoomBracelet 1 user has voted. Published on February 19, 2017. Shared by @katelyn_lan on Instagram. URL: 9234 1 1 LoomBracelet style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 1 user has voted. Published on April 25, 2017. Shared by @still_looming on Instagram. URL: 4021 1 LoomBracelet 2 users have voted. How to make the hook only Twinkle bracelet by Emerald Looms on YouTube. 10883 2 Loom_Lover4everJust Bracelets