Invite Create a new post Follow RainbowLoom2023 offline 1Albums 2Posts 6Likes 1Followers 1Following 2 users have voted. Cute Coin Purse tutorial by LoomLove here: 1879 2 1 Loom_Lover4everAccessories 1 user has voted. Published on February 27, 2016. Shared by Alexandra Ornido Flores to Rainbow Loom on Facebook. 19635 1 xxpandachanxxthings i want to make 1 user has voted. Published on October 22, 2014. Shared by @rainbowloomers1 on Instagram. 8231 1 LoomAccessories 1 user has voted. Published on February 3, 2014. Shared by @rainbowloom111 on Instagram. 5806 1 LoomAccessories 1 user has voted. Published on September 22, 2013. Shared by @rainbowloomcolors on Instagram. 9853 1 1 LoomAccessories 5 users have voted. This is craft life's design 8048 5 BtdillonLoom Designs