Invite Create a new post Follow luvinlooms offline 8Albums 10Posts 6Likes 4Followers 3Following 2 users have voted. Published on March 16, 2017. Shared by @rainbowloomfinland on Instagram. URL: 4155 2 LoomBracelet 1 user has voted. How to make the Intersecting Lines bracelet by Tiger Girl on YouTube. 4299 1 1 Loom_Lover4everJust Bracelets 1 user has voted. How to make a Rainbow Loom pendant by Tiger Girl on YouTube. 3061 1 Loom_Lover4everAccessories 2 users have voted. Shared by @slkitty99 on Instagram. 5324 2 loomgirl777Loomigurumi 2 users have voted. Shared by Masako Suzuki to Rainbow Loom on Facebook. Violetta Bracelet Tutorial by @janettetoday. 951 2 Loom_Lover4everAccessories 2 users have voted. Published on April 26, 2016. Shared by @rainbowloomfinland on Instagrarm. 4559 2 LoomCharm