Invite Create a new post Follow Tied_knots offline I am Tied_knots on Instagram 6Albums 13Posts 25Likes 4Followers 2Following 0 users have voted. 897 0 0 users have voted. 927 0 0 users have voted. Hookedonlove bracelet 868 0 0 users have voted. 907 0 0 users have voted. Tutorial via lilahsgigi YouTube 1007 0 2 users have voted. Tutorial is from Maria Hanka. Her tutorial is in Turkish I think. 886 2 2 users have voted. 667 2 2 users have voted. Design and tutorial from Looming with Cheryl 835 2 1 user has voted. 662 1 style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 1 user has voted. Made on the alphaloom 733 1 1 user has voted. My rendition of izzalicious design tiny tod Charlie Brown 5900 1 1 user has voted. Video: Published on February 26, 2015 by Eveline Maureen on YouTube. 11884 1 4 users have voted. This is my rendition of the Sunset strip bracelet designed by theloomingartist tutorial by ukmanicloomer 7904 4