Invite Create a new post Follow loomgurly offline 4Albums 27Posts 16Likes 0Followers 2Following 0 users have voted. 5896 0 0 users have voted. 7066 0 0 users have voted. 4913 0 0 users have voted. 5650 0 0 users have voted. 5371 0 0 users have voted. 6713 0 0 users have voted. 5696 0 0 users have voted. 8912 0 1 user has voted. 6255 1 style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 1 user has voted. 9485 1 2 users have voted. 8493 2 2 users have voted. 9568 2 0 users have voted. 7270 0 0 users have voted. Ok. I know it looks like grapes, BUT I CANT GET THE RIGHT SHAPE!!! Also, I couldn’t find more light green bands, that’s also what made it look weird. Ugh. 5676 0 0 users have voted. It looks like a strawberry, but trust me, it’s a watermelon. 6019 0 1 user has voted. 8470 1 0 users have voted. 6175 0 0 users have voted. 5562 0 0 users have voted. 5668 0 style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 0 users have voted. 779 0 1 user has voted. 683 1 1 user has voted. 623 1 1 user has voted. 1084 1 1 user has voted. 970 1 0 users have voted. 6979 0 0 users have voted. 672 0 0 users have voted. 607 0