They are pretty easy to make and I'm going to make a bunch more and have a tea party!
1218 3
3 users have voted.
They are "sweet"!;-)
1424 3
3 users have voted.
Super Cute! ## I LOVE ♡♥♡♥ them so much they were pretty easy for the most part and not that band heavy! ##
1016 3
4 users have voted.
#Super Cute! I LOVE them so much they were pretty easy for the most part and not that band heavy they are my favorite happy thing in my whole collection!
1844 4
4 users have voted.
Tricky but Super Cute! !###
813 4
3 users have voted.
Super Cute!!##♡♥♡
904 3
3 users have voted.
Awesome and Easy!#
Loom band happy Oreos and Cookie
739 3
3 users have voted.
Awesome! and Cute! ##
1394 3
4 users have voted.
A little tricky for the one part but Super Cute I LOVE this little guy !!♡♥♡♥:-D