I Am A Dragon's picture
I Am A Dragon offline

Find me on Amino and DeviantArt.
My DeviantArt user is floweraria, and I'll link my amino profile if I ever remember.

Fun girl I hope it's ok if I used your pic for colours.....≖‿≖
Almost done! ( ;´Д`)

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This is the outline.... I have to clean it up a bit tho ٩◔‿◔۶
Yay. Almost done. The dragon on the rights head took SO long to draw, I don't even know why ( ̄ー ̄)

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This is the ~~BASE SKETCH~~
It gets me on track when I'm starting a new drawing.
I know, it is completely HORRENDOUS but it morphs into a much better drawing.

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Dazzle the dazzling!!! She ain't wired yet tho ;)

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Best one yet! Fungirl99000, I might play as him.....even tho he's a boy シ )

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If you were wondering what the things behind her head are,their wings, that didn't totally work in my opinion)
Name: Moonshadow

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wow! He really cool! I may have to make him enchanted cause I have low supplies of gray...

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Yes he is pretty cool)
Colour: darkish red with yellow membranes in wings, gold bellyscales

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these bands ANNOY me to TO NO END they always SNAP and it leaves you VERY FRUSTRATED!!!! >:(

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How to make a loomigurumi cat by Loom WithCheryl on youtube. Very cute!!

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The yellow one is the Solarfury, the dark blue one is the Seafury, the light blue with white spots is Skyfury, the green one is the Forestfury and lucky last is the red and orange Flamefury.

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He's so cool!!! Fungirl99000, you should definitely make him. Littletiger, you already are!

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Done! I made her tail WAY to long so now she's 73 cm instead of 2 feet....... oops :D

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If you want to see see the Speedpaint video, email me at UmbreonNightfury@gmail.com.

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These are the parts I am using. And my messy handwriting :D thus is gonna be SUPER cute!

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0.0 sooooo cute!

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OMG!!!! I bred THIS?!?!? How unimaginabley cool! (Is that even a word) He is one I am definitely making.

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Nice strong muscles you have there, Blueskull!

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Ouch! Wouldn't want to get impaled by these spines!

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The wings are like the ladder bracelet only bigger. Oh and almost forgot, the white-and-clear spots are colour changeing

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I can't be stuffed to go outside in the cold to take pictures of her, but here is her head.

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FINNISHED!!!!!! She is soooooo cool I thought at one point that she wasnt gonna work but, Blueskull, you beast, you worked.

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I made the body with double looped horizontal bands.... now she's really thin....maybe the stomach will help.....oops

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Original photo

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Published on May 6, 2017 woah, that's my birthday day!!! Shared by @_anas_art_ on Instagram.

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This little guy was designed by me, not Courtney Nicole. I'm very proud of him :)

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I wish I made that many :D.
Original post by bunnyluver15

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This one is unbearably CUTE too. So, on the list she goes.

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This little thing IS SO CUTE even though I'm trying to breed her and haven't been successful. :/

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