Invite Create a new post Follow alwayslooming46 offline 3Albums 18Posts 31Likes 0Followers 3Following 0 users have voted. 5074 0 1 user has voted. 6463 1 1 user has voted. these are just some of the single band bracelets i have made 18178 1 1 user has voted. these are just some of the signal band bracelets i have made 7289 1 1 1 user has voted. 8024 1 0 users have voted. 8259 0 1 user has voted. 5757 1 1 user has voted. 7958 1 1 user has voted. 4331 1 style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 0 users have voted. Really easy and really comfy 1084 0 0 users have voted. I love these bands 897 0 0 users have voted. LOVE this design 903 0 0 users have voted. 733 0 1 user has voted. 1118 1 0 users have voted. love the colors 990 0 0 users have voted. really comfy. 805 0 0 users have voted. Really cool accessories for hair. Please follow 1341 0 1 user has voted. I made this flag. It took forever but its really cool 2038 1