ValkyrieFollow 0 Followers 7 years 8 months ago Recent Posts 0 users have voted. **ORIGINAL POST BY FUNGIRL99000** 879 0 loomgirl777Misc. 1 user has voted. These are two more Valkyrie drawings I did on paper. These are both made completely from randomness. I did not use ANY references. 872 1 1 Fungirl99000Misc. 1 user has voted. These are sketches of Valkyries that Fungirl99000 did. I think she did a great job! 769 1 loomgirl777Misc. 0 users have voted. These are a couple of Valkyries i drew on paper. I based them off of pictures I've seen of them. Idk if I got the look right.... One doesn't have a helmet, and the other's helmet looks goofy. 793 0 1 Fungirl99000Misc.