#mint loom 10

0 Followers    3 years 10 months ago
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the blueberry cow made by me is so CUTE!
do yall agree???

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sorry i havent been posting any rainbow loom designs
but in the next post i will do something rainbow loom

but just look at this cute bunny
its adorable!

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this is my panda i made today and shes so cute and she has a cutie mark of a strawberry that you cant really see

and i also got a hair cut!

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YAY! its almost my bday, if you wanted to now my birthday is on the 25th of march but my birthday party is on the 20th

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this one is my favorite puppy i have made so far

and its my original design!

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she is 12 years old
gender: female
breed: pomeranian
eyes: brown
about her: very cute and veryfluffy

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i forgot what this bracelet is called

coment down below if you know the name of this braclet.

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this is my original design i made today.

and it took me 6 hours to make!

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this is my original design of this cute octipus,its made out of yarn not bands,i made this for my sister.

and im planing on making a flip a zoo of a octipus just like this one.

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its so beautiful out side,its a winter wonder land!

hope yall have fun in the snow!

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heres some facts about me, my real name is Evelyn not mint,i love to rainbow loom,crochet,and knit,i live in virginia usa,im 10 years old,i love playing with my crafts and barbies to,i love dragons

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they are so cute together!

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