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Happy Heart by Erica Olsen
Designed and tutorial by feelingspiffy,

1370 1

I made some of Tutorials by A's (Angelynn's) babies!! They're SO flippin cute!!! :D

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My Jonathan Antoine figurine now has his cat Willow! (^_^) Cat design by Diy Mommy. He also has two other cats Polly and Pandora. Y'all NEED to check him out on Youtube!

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My own original design. (^_^) Black Barbie made history by being the first African American doll by Mattel to be called Barbie, instead of being one of Barbie's friends. She was released in 1980.

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This isn't exactly an original but I'm pretty darn sure that it's the first RBL Jonathan Antoine.

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Published on March 27, 2018. Shared by @berry_loomer on Instagram.

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Published on December 26, 2017. Shared by @berry_loomer on Instagram.

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Published on August 27, 2016. Shared by @expert_looms on Instagram.

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Published on July 29, 2016 by Claire's Wears on YouTube.

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