IF YOU HAVE A DS OR 3DS WE SHOULD GIVE OUR FRIEND CODES SO WE CAN BE FRIENDS ON PUR DS'S!!!!!!!!! I LOVE TO PLAY ANIMAL CROSSING NEW LEAF. THAT WOULD BE COOL IF WE GOT TO VISIT EACH OTHER ON THERE!!!!! if you have a Ds or 3Ds please write down your friend code and ill give you mine. when going on to friends list the orange smile face box icon in the ds and your starting to write down mine. it will sat LOCAL or INTERNET. push Internet and begin. here is my friend code. 1705-2486-5501. now give me yours and ill write yours down on mine.
is anyone going to reply????????
I don't have one but I really wish I did :{
DOES ANYONE HERE HAVE A DS?????? WHY IS EVERYONE GONE!!!??????? i'm so confused.....I thought i had friends on here.....but they probably think that rainbow loom isn't fun anymore....... :'[
It's fun, I just haven't really been interested in looming. Haven't bothered buying bands lately xd
sooo.....no one has a 3ds or a ds? i want to trade friend codes so we can play together. in order to play together.....wait do you have animal crossing new leaf? if so we can chat play, hangout and do lots together :).
(please tell me one of you have a ds.....)