I'm sorry, but i wont really be doing much on LC anymore. i feel nothing much happens, even tho you are all very nice people. Also, Littletiger is taking an ENORMOUSLY long time to post her tutorials, which really get on my nerves, one thing i like to say is: 'In the online world, do it quickly or do it never!' i will be on here from time to time, so not completely disappearing ;) I will be more active on Chicken Smoothie, though, feel free to ping me a PM. i do have some sweet dragons for trade.....
bye now,
don't be sad,
kids are meant to be happy
i know some of you aren't kids
oh well
PS. that's my signature :D
I'm not really on LC either, so it's understandable. As long as you drop in time to time, we're good! :D
That is completely understandable. By the way, I have no idea how to work the chicken smoothie thing. I went to the website, but when I click adoptables I see just generic stuff like wolves and dogs...???? I don't have an account, and I won't till I know how to WORK THE STINKIN THING! Also, can you draw on that or something? Or share drawings of adoptables? Is there currency you spend to buy adoptables?? AHH HELP
It's okay, I understand. But I'm so confused with Chicken Smoothie. It doesn't look like a game, and I don't know how it works so...
XD ikr I wish chicken smoothie was a game that noobs could get the hang of XD
Honestly, it looks more like a website than a game :/
It is. Hey, I do YouTube, and I can do a video about it if you'd like. My username on YouTube is Loadin AJ.
PS, my real name is Iliana
ouch what you said was hurtfull....i said i was sorry. im sorry that im taking ENORMOUSLY long time to do tutorials....but if you want ill take apart some of my animals and dragons i dont use anymore and start doing the tutorials i said i would. And im sorry that im getting on your NERVES...that im not doing as much tutorials. i will try harder. :'(
Oh, no! IAAD, plz reply to this......
I’m sorry too. Did you read the date on that post? Well, something was going on in my life and it was very stressful and was making me very irritable and annoyed. Do NOT, I repeat Do Not pull apart ANY of your beautiful creations because of what I said. I’m very sorry, Littletiger , will you still be my friend?
**A glitch with the site prevented her from posting this :-(**
of course ill still be your friend!!!!!!!!!! I just want it the way it used to be, when we were on here all the time and doing GIVE AWAYS, AND DRAWINGS. I just thought when i came back on it would still be the same. i know that you guys have school, i just want it the way it used to be when the school year is over.....if its ok with you guys....
Sure!! I want u to join my roleplay as well, since I only have one person (other than me) in the roleplay?
OK!!! just tell me what to do! and HOW DID YOU GET YOUR PROFILE PICTURE MOVING!! like the nightwing breathing fire!!! i NEED TO KNOW....