(Thank you again Fungirl9000 for posting that!!
(So before I couldn't post on LC because it kept say 'general error' and a bunch of random letters and numbers. But now thats gone :)
My question is....
What is the absolute WORST/SCARIEST online experience you've had?
(apart from being hacked)
I will reveal mine soon....
When someone threatened to look up my address and kill me with a gun at 1:30 pm at night.
OMW WUT THE STINKING HECK. That's scary I would've called the cops to guard my house O.O
Mine is definitely not super scary or horrible because I'm super safe online lol I'm so safe 8)
But the worst thing that ever happened to ME online was my animal jam rare hd getting glitch traded :p
Yeah, super scary right? O.o
That's the scariest thing I've ever heard O.O
I know it was absolutely terrifying!
Sarcasm lol