I think I'm quitting Loom Community for the most part.
See, most of the stuff I play have some sort of drama.
Take Happy Tower. I used to play, but I quit -- for the most part, anyway.
Amazing Pets. I have tons of good friends there. So I quit. Now the only reason I log in is to talk to my friends and help my club, which I'm still the president of, grow.
I play a ton of other games.
I'll always play Animal Jam, Howrse, Flight Rising, Chicken Smoothie, Horzer, Dogzer, Pony-Sim and Mweor (There may be others).
Okay. Now to the point. This? I really don't know how much I'm into Loom Community anymore. Or Rainbow Loom.
I don't know. I guess it's something I'm outgrowing.
I guess I can still check from time to time and post a drawing or something. But I'm getting busier with other real life stuff.
And, sorry if I'm missing somebody, but so far, I have nobody that I can think of that I actually truly care about. No offense. I've tried to bring peace to Loom Community, whether you see it, or not! And I'm plain frustrated with Loom Community!
So anyway. I'm not trying to hog attention. This is just how I feel. And I'm sorry if you take offense to it!
Nobody can outgrow rainbow loom. D': I'll probably be an old lady and still looming.
Also how can community be frustrating? If you're frustrated with any of us then don't talk to us and just post ur stuff.
I usually don't quit games just because of the cheesiest thing out there, which is drama. I've gotten into drama on everything almost (I think I've had most drama on animal jam), but I never quit it. I'm still playing it. But, I guess everybody's different. Some quit over drama, some don't.
exactly. i will never outgrow Loom bands, ill probably still be looming at 30 years old and even though its a ¨childs toy¨
drama is gonna be part of life, so if you dont like drama, your gonna have a very boring life.
with online arguments, i actaully have grown to like them, it shows you exactly what type of person they are. i sometimes, if i feel
like it, i will find a forum of somekind and start arguing, to strengthen my skills. (i wont do it to this forum, though) i can never really be bullied in real life because of this. i guess everyones differnt.
Outgrow loom bands? Never in a million years! And about the drama...just ignore it. There are things way worse than a few nasty comments. Like Loom_Lover4ever said, forgive and forget. Don't be frustrated. People are mean every once in a while. However, everyone's different. If you really want to quit over some stupid drama, then go ahead. It's your choice.
Nicely put, I Am A Dragon and loomgirl777 <3
Ah, I understand RLCreator. I'm actually not as Rainbow Loom crazy as I used to be...but I still love it. ;) As long as you continue your book on Wattpad I'll be happy! XD
XD. Still, though, how can someone outgrow RL? I'm just saying. Look at Cortney Nicole for example. She's in her 20s (I think) and she's still looming. Not sure how old Creator is, but she's most likely 13 or 14. I'm 13 and I still loom all the time.
It doesn't make sense, because there are so many possibilities. RL is endless! BTW there is an 80 yr old grandma who looms
I guess it's just not a lasting thing for some people. The true die hard loomers are the ones like us that just can't stop. XD
dude, she 12. the youngest here.
Bye, RL Creator! I won't miss you!
I guess she kinda deserved that ('_' !)
That's not very kind of you but okay then... :\
The thing is, Loom_Lover, I am not a nice person. At all.
Well then here's your chance to start being one XD
We shouldn't be saying mean things about RL Creator, no matter what she did.
ikr it's not really nice to say mean stuff, but if ppl say mean things first or are mean to one of my friends I get pretty evil XD
Well said ;D
I am a mean person. All the time. To everyone. I'm horrible.
RAAAAAAAAAAWR lol maybe ur username tells dah truth 8) dragons r mean sometimes lol
Your username should be I Am A Mean Dragon XD
It's great you guys won't outgrow rainbow loom....
But to me it was never anything thrilling. There's a bunch of other stuff I can do, instead of what I consider wasting my time, on Rainbow Loom. Like writing. Not comments, but stories.
I totally get that, sometimes I just want to write and put the Rainbow Loom away. XD
Same only I get my sketch book out.
I either write on Wattpad, write literally (I do tablet stories... should I put them on Wattpad too?), or draw. I also like playing with Rocky (bearded dragon) and playing with toys (yup. 13 and I still <3 toys so much LOL).