Loom Creations Made

These are loom creation I've made over the years, mainly from watched how to tutorials. Some I'll watch but put my own spin on it or will change a little. (((My apologies to those whom I'v watched tutorials too making these as most were made several years ago so I don't remember who))). Once my Craft show ends in Nov. I'll go threw and put links the tutorials to the projects. :)

Chrismas Tree and Snowman stuffed!....tree skirt and hat is separate and I did (watch a how to tutorial to make them)

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Took idea's from several tutorials just to make a ninja turtle pencil hugger since there really wasn't one. Hopefully I did it justice.. :)

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Working on more charms/ figures.....(watched how to tutorial to make them)

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More pencil huggers. these were done for my daughters girl scout troop!.(watched how to tutorial to make them)

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A little Easter fun... (watched how to tutorial to make them)

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a few bracelets I did..... (watched how to tutorial to make them)

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Did a bunch of these for my daughters fifth grade school carnival as winning prize along with a few other items like bracelets I made... I was a very busy loomer that year!.. :)

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Just use the head's of the figures's and made pins out them...

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Made these for my daughter instead of buying the usual cards. Were a hit!

Found the idea to do these on Pinterest

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Mermaids anyone... did these for my daughter. ( watched how to tutorial to make them)

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More charms..... I did the pac- man and his ghosts....my most well liked pin on pinerest..
(watched how to tutorial to make them)

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My cat in the Hat. Once I had making charms figured out, I moved to making figures and what better way then to jump in then with
the cat himself.. :)

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