CUTE RUBBER BAND BRACELETS THEY ARE VERY PRETTY AND TOOK ME FOREVER TO DO Create a new postFollow Rubber band1Followers8Posts 0 users have voted. this is very cool. that is why i am reposting it 28767 0 Rubber bandCUTE RUBBER BAND BRACELETS 2 users have voted. Published on March 25, 2016 by Rena T on YouTube. i am re-sharing this because it is very amazing and very cool i hope yall like and comment please 38432 2 Rubber bandCUTE RUBBER BAND BRACELETS 3 users have voted. IT IS VERY PRETTY VERY COLORFUL NOT EASY BUT IT TURNS OUT VERY PRETTY 881 3 Rubber bandCUTE RUBBER BAND BRACELETS 0 users have voted. IT IS VERY PRETTY VERY COLORFUL NOT EASY BUT IT TURNS OUT VERY PRETTY 668 0 Rubber bandCUTE RUBBER BAND BRACELETS 0 users have voted. IT IS VERY PRETTY VERY COLORFUL NOT EASY BUT IT TURNS OUT VERY PRETTY 725 0 Rubber bandCUTE RUBBER BAND BRACELETS 1 user has voted. IT IS VERY PRETTY. VERY COOL 1039 1 Rubber bandCUTE RUBBER BAND BRACELETS 2 users have voted. VERY CUTE AND IT TAKES AWHILE TO DO IT BUT VERY EASY 1140 2 Rubber bandCUTE RUBBER BAND BRACELETS 3 users have voted. it looks like starburst 1974 3 Rubber bandCUTE RUBBER BAND BRACELETS