Loom Designs

yay! its finally done!

all of yall must of been waiting for this super cute poodle puppy ❤️
i hope yall love him!
and i named him peanut

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so cute, right?
and happy April fools day!

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hey guys!
i have not posted in a while, but this elephant is so cute!

any ideas what i should name her?

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i think this one is better then my girl one, and btw this one is a boy this time

have a wonderful day!

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i now have a boy and girl!

and they are sister and brother!

and have a nice day :)

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im so exited to see the bands!

btw what should i make with the new bands?

and also the bands are from amazon.com!

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he is so cute! and he took for 2 days,im planing on making another chinese dragon!

what should i name him?

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this design was made by looming withCheryl

i love this pig!!!

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this is my other monkey i made,this one turned out so cute!

coment down below if you like this creation.

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this cute design took for 1 hour and this was made by Clohe makena.

hope yall have a great day!

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i finished this today at 11:04 and this design was made by creativity is life!

and i love my puppy!

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this is my biggest design i have ever made,i love her be cause she was made by looming withCheryl and it has safety eyes.

what should i name this giraffe?

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i made this by Alex's creative corner and its so cute!

btw this is for my little sisters 8 birthday

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hes so cute!

and i named him Firebreath.

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i love him. he came out adorible and cute.

he's perfect!

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i wanted to remake the valintines day dragon,because my first one did'nt turn out good so i made another one today and it turned out better.

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i like this one because its a water dragon and my dad let me put some wire in the tail,body,head and arms and legs.

what should i name this cute dragon?

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i made these by creativity is life,i love em.they took about 1 or 2 packs of bands.

i love dogs!

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i looked up rainbow loom dragons and i found one from Courtney Nicole, it was a baby dragon,i was so exited to make it and after it turned out so cute!

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i wanted to make this because its cute and its good for easter. `and its a boy bunny this design was made by jordantine1.

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this cute dumbo tysm tysm was made by craftmuse. its so small and cute!

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this cute bear was made by looming with cheryl,shes so cute. my sister ashtyn,wants to buy it.

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i looked up a amigurmi among us doll by chloe makena and i did that with yarn but i made a idea that i would make a among us crewmate with rainbow loom bands,i made it with jelly pink and grey then

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this is my colection of loomigurmi i will be making more designs and show you them

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