OtherSorry didn't mean to do 3 pompoms just 1 Create a new postFollow Husky.loom0Followers6Posts 0 users have voted. Rainbow loom came out with a new loom! Check it out ⬆! 3563 0 Husky.loomOther 1 user has voted. The flower charm was the first charm I learned how to make, here is when my idea comes in, I figured out if I make stem, I could just tie it Together. 8292 1 Husky.loomOther 0 users have voted. I think this is sooo cute so I wanted to share this with you! 1365 0 Husky.loomOther 0 users have voted. I think this is sooo cute so I wanted to share this with you! 1375 0 Husky.loomOther 0 users have voted. I think this is sooo cute so I wanted to share this with you! 1236 0 Husky.loomOther 1 user has voted. I made a pencil girppy with color changing rubber bands. 5345 1 Husky.loomOther