Rainbow loomPretty rainbow loom designs. Create a new postFollow Sydneywood230Followers4Posts 0 users have voted. I learned this bracelet off of you tube just look up: Slip single rainbow loom bracelet. Then you find the video. 10365 0 Sydneywood23Rainbow loom 1 user has voted. this is a bracelet made by a YouTuber just look up Beaded Starburst bracelet Then you get videos. 12100 1 Sydneywood23Rainbow loom 0 users have voted. It is the best bracelet that I have made so far! 8299 0 Sydneywood23Rainbow loom 0 users have voted. I came up with this design when I messed up on the straight away bracelet. It made a pretty design so I thought I made a new bracelet that no one has heard of!!! 5858 0 Sydneywood23Rainbow loom