
very cute

This is my cat pencil topper and its adorable. Hope you think the same! Have a fantastic day!

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My own design. I made these grips because at my school they have thing where you insert a quarter and you get a grip ( lame story ). Have a great day!!

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My design. I thought about school so i made this.

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My design my version.

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My Design. This is a dancer I made. Its cute.

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My design. This is a girl I made when i started rainbow loom.

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my design. I made this because i was thinking about school.

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This is my owl with out feet and he is very classy. ty bye

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This is coconut the monkey that is shy and loves flower. He is cute and LOVES coconuts bye!!

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Hey this is my own design mini snake that climbs in the jungle and is shy.

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super cute whales that are my favorite thing I have made so far on the left is Mr. whale and on the right is Mrs. whale.

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