tutorial for barf and belch Create a new postFollow Littletiger0Followers4Posts 0 users have voted. hi every one welcome back today we are doing PART 4 YAY IM SO EXCITED FOR HIM OR HER TO BE DONE!!!!!! lets get started!!! 981 0 Littletigertutorial for barf and belch 0 users have voted. hey guys its PART 3 for the tutorial for barf and belch! YAY!!! so lets get started!!! so this right here is the tail its very easy just copy it on the screen. 464 0 Littletigertutorial for barf and belch 0 users have voted. hi every one its part 2 of barf and belch tutorial!!! yay so lets get started. So we already made are 2 wings and 4 961 0 Littletigertutorial for barf and belch 0 users have voted. hey every one its PART 1 on the tutorial for barf and belch so lets get started! 1714 0 Littletigertutorial for barf and belch