Baby Wings of Fire DragonsYou won't find these little baby's on the internet! They are my design and most of them have been wired. Create a new postFollow I Am A Dragon3Followers6Posts 0 users have voted. He looks kinda yellow, but anyways! I haven't posted a BWoF Dragonet in ages. Icewing. 1069 0 I Am A DragonBaby Wings of Fire Dragons 4 users have voted. Baby Sandwing in a banksia tree. 1010 4 I Am A DragonBaby Wings of Fire Dragons 4 users have voted. A Skywing Dragonet in her natural home. She was actually the first BWoF dragon I made. 1908 4 I Am A DragonBaby Wings of Fire Dragons 4 users have voted. Baby Nightwing at Naracoorte's Wet Cave. 4308 4 I Am A DragonBaby Wings of Fire Dragons 6 users have voted. Baby Rainwing!! She's very bright :) 1541 6 I Am A DragonBaby Wings of Fire Dragons 5 users have voted. This little Seawing loves swimming in her BirdBath :D 2033 5 2 I Am A DragonBaby Wings of Fire Dragons