Wrapit Loom BraceletsWrapit Loom Bracelets made by Christopher and Chase. Create a new postFollow babywendy0Followers11Posts 2 users have voted. Wrapit Loom Bracelet for Fourth of July by Christopher 813 2 babywendyWrapit Loom Bracelets 1 user has voted. Wrapit Loom Bracelet by Christopher 993 1 1 babywendyWrapit Loom Bracelets 1 user has voted. Wrapit Loom Bracelet by Christopher 910 1 1 babywendyWrapit Loom Bracelets 2 users have voted. Valentine Wrapit Loom Bracelet designed and made by Christopher 1233 2 babywendyWrapit Loom Bracelets 1 user has voted. Christmas/Birthday Wrapit Loom Bracelet Christopher made as a gift for his soon to be 100 years young great grandma 755 1 1 babywendyWrapit Loom Bracelets 2 users have voted. Christmas Wrapit Loom Bracelet designed and made by Christopher 759 2 babywendyWrapit Loom Bracelets 1 user has voted. Christmas Wrapit Loom Bracelet designed and made by Christopher 1227 1 babywendyWrapit Loom Bracelets 2 users have voted. Wrapit Loom bracelet Wings of a Butterfly bracelet designed and made by Christopher to honor all those who are and have battled Breast cancer. 760 2 babywendyWrapit Loom Bracelets 2 users have voted. Halloween theme Skulls Wrapit Loom Bracelet designed and made by Christopher 1157 2 babywendyWrapit Loom Bracelets style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 2 users have voted. Wrapit Loom Turn up the Pink Bracelet designed and made by Christopher. 814 2 babywendyWrapit Loom Bracelets 0 users have voted. Wrapit Loom bracelet designed and made in honor of Mona who lost her battle to breast cancer. 900 0 babywendyWrapit Loom Bracelets