My Creations

Pictures of my creations! (Cortney Nicole designs will be posted soon!)

Here's a charm I found while cleaning my closet. She's so cute!!! Hope you like :D

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Here's my other loomigurumi dumbo. I didn't make a hat for her yet. Hope you like :D
Designed by Craftmuse on YouTube.

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Full pic of amethyst

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Amethyst's tail :D

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Amethyst's wing :D

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Here's a close up on Amethyst, my first rainbow loom dragon.

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This is the first rainbow loom dragon I've ever made. Her name is Amethyst At the time, I thought it was awesome LOL.

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Here's a bracelet I made in December. It's a double banded triple single bracelet made on two looms.
Sorry about the picture quality. I have to get a new camera :P

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This is my rainbow loom pikachu charm! (not an original design)

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This is a bear charm that I made a while ago. I was trying to make a bear pencil-hugger, and when it came off the loom, it turned out like this.

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This is a rainbow loom pen that I made. I made the grip on the monster tail and added a charm. Then, I took out the ink stick from a pen and put it inside the grip.

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This is a loomigurumi box with a lid that I made 2 months ago. It is my own design. Hope you like it!!!

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I currently making a Criss Cross Quadfish using black, gray, and white bands for my friend.
Hope you like it!

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Here's my cute pikachus!
Designed by Crazy Loomer on Youtube.

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These are all 13 of my 3D headphones designed by feelinspiffy on Youtube!

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I made this mustache charm today!
Designed by Made by Mommy on Youtube.

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Today I made a pencil charm! Hope you like it!
Designed by Made by Mommy on Youtube.

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Orange and purple Criss Cross Quadfish.
Designed by Rainbow Loom.

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Here's my JackSepticEye.
Designed by Izzalicious Designs.

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This is my rainbow Totem Pole Bracelet.
Designed by Rainbow Loom.

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This is a bracelet that I made. I call it the Exotic Grape Bracelet.
Designed by me.

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Here's a pic of my loomigurumi dumbo I made! Hope you like him :)
Designed by craftmuse.

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