Things I love! Create a new postFollow highleylove0Followers8Posts 0 users have voted. Published on January 31, 2016. Shared by Asami Nose to Rainbow Loom on Facebook. 9686 0 highleyloveThings I love! 2 users have voted. Published on October 11, 2014 by MeisjeDjamila on YouTube. 13590 2 highleyloveThings I love! 0 users have voted. This is SOOOOO adorable and cute! Shared by Claire Latham to Rainbow Loom on Facebook 13462 0 highleyloveThings I love! 0 users have voted. Published on May 6, 2016. Shared by Christine Giradi to Rainbow Loom on Facebook. 14906 0 highleyloveThings I love! 1 user has voted. Published on September 3, 2014. Shared by @rainbowloomers1 on Instagram. 9489 1 highleyloveThings I love! 1 user has voted. Published on March, 2, 2016. Shared by Chi Hong Chio to Rainbowloom on Facebook. 14091 1 highleyloveThings I love! 1 user has voted. Published on May 6, 2016. Shared by Heather Durm to Rainbow Loom on Facebookl 22725 1 highleyloveThings I love! 1 user has voted. Published on February 6, 2016. Shared by @kaerurainbowloom on Instagram. 10752 1 highleyloveThings I love!