zipzapzero's picture
zipzapzero offline
had a HUGE rainbow loom phase for a few years a while ago and im just getting back into it because... why not
slipknot addict
uhhhhh my favorite band is paramore other than that
very emo :)

Alpha Loom Domo Kun Bracelet Pixel Template

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Alpha Loom Domo Kun Bracelet Pixel Template

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It’s almost Halloween and these bracelets and rings totally mach my costume

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2nd thing I made today! This design is by Claire's Wear!

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Baby SeaWing by I Am A Dragon. She's so cute! :D Sorry, picture was like this on the original post.

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Published on March 11, 2017. Shared by @pontsuku0725 on Instagram.

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hello! my name is Zero and i just made an account on this website lol! im excited to get using it :D i had a reaaaaally big rainbow loom phase when i was like, around 11 or 12 i think?

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