Invite Create a new post Follow guardian offline 2Albums 11Posts 2Likes 7Followers 5Following 0 users have voted. 677 0 0 users have voted. 673 0 0 users have voted. This is the male version of the first dragon I ever drew Name:devil Gender: male 673 0 0 users have voted. This is my first dragon drawing with no help and I'm pretty proud of it and thank you I'm a dragon for inspiring this design: 714 0 0 users have voted. 685 0 1 user has voted. 669 1 1 user has voted. 726 1 1 user has voted. 739 1 0 users have voted. Soooooo simple 1159 0 style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 0 users have voted. 694 0 0 users have voted. 704 0