good storiesFollow 0 Followers 9 years 5 days ago Recent Posts 1 user has voted. Published on December 12, 2015. Shared by Eileen McCullough Egan to Orange For Ian on Facebook. 3536 1 LoomGood Stories 0 users have voted. 993 0 loomsistersreshared posts 1 user has voted. The official Loom4aCause Facebook Page by Rainbow Loom® of Choon’s Design, LLC. We share content loomed to support various charitable causes. 1231 1 1 LoomGood Stories 0 users have voted. I love this! :) 1022 0 loomsistersreshared posts 1 user has voted. This is really cool! :) Awesome! 1010 1 loomsistersreshared posts 2 users have voted. On Christmas Eve 2012 Lily-Mai's granddad died of cancer. The idea..make a loomband, snap a selfie & wave goodbye! 1243 2 1 LoomGood Stories 2 users have voted. Cara has become quite crafty in making rainbow loom bracelets. 1394 2 LoomGood Stories 1 user has voted. Sydney loves to make all kinds of things on her rainbow loom - and gives them to those that are sick or caregivers in hospitals. 1213 1 1 LoomGood Stories 2 users have voted. A little boy with a big heart on a mission to fight his battle. He's making bracelets to raise money in support of childhood cancer research. 1744 2 LoomGood Stories style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9854046202769496" data-ad-slot="3395307162" data-ad-format="auto"> 6 users have voted. A little boy with a big heart on a mission to fight his battle. He's making bracelets to raise money in support of childhood cancer research. 1755 6 LoomGood Stories